Remo caspi
“Aspidosperma excelsum,” also known as “remo caspi,” is a huge canopy tree, the large buttress roots are used to build canoe paddles, because of how light and durable it is.
How to use:
• Infusion or decoction: Parts of the plant, such as the bark or leaves, have been used to prepare infusions or decoctions. These infusions are consumed orally for medicinal purposes.
• Topical use: Some communities have used preparations based on Aspidosperma excelsum topically to relieve muscle pain or skin inflammation.
Healing properties:
- Antiparasitic: Antiparasitic properties are attributed to it and it has been traditionally used to treat parasitic infections in the digestive system.
- Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory: Some indigenous communities have used Aspidosperma excelsum for its possible analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, especially to relieve pain and discomfort.
- Respiratory Stimulant: It has been suggested that it may have stimulant effects on the respiratory system, and has been used to treat respiratory conditions such as cough and asthma.
Side effects:
- Toxicity: As with many medicinal plants, Aspidosperma excelsum can have toxic components in certain parts of the plant, so excessive or unsupervised use can be harmful.
- Drug interactions: It may interact with certain medications, and its use should be cautious, especially if other medications are taken regularly.
- Allergic reactions: As with any plant, some people may be allergic to Aspidosperma excelsum, which could result in allergic reactions.
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