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Caapi Leaves

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Caapi leaves (Banisteriopsis caapi), Ayahuasca is a plant commonly used as a natural medicine and is used in Amazonian communities to make drinks that are used in dance and medicine.

What diseases can be treated with consent?

  • Relationships have been linked to depression, anxiety, depression, addiction, guilt and depression, childhood trauma, suicide, and more.

What are the effects of Ayahuasca?

  • Depression, anxiety, depression, addiction, guilt and relationships, childhood trauma, acceptance of death in patients, etc.

What do scientists say about ayahuasca?

  • According to scientists, ayahuasca stimulates the production of new neurons. According to researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid, Amazonian tea contains natural substances that help create new neurons and other cells.

What happens after a few days of ayahuasca?

  • Some have adverse physical side effects, such as fatigue, diarrhea, and nausea
  • ayahuasca, many studies show an increase in the body and the environment.


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